Relative Humidity Comparison:
MetTrailer located in Fargo on 20220512
Plot showing the relative humidity measurements from sensors on the
MetTrailer while located at the Hector International Airport (FAR)
in Fargo, North Dakota on May 12, 2022. Times are UTC. The
RH_CS125 measurement is from the model CS125 Present Weather Sensor
manufactured by Campbell Scientific. The RH_WTX measurement is from
the model WXT536 Weather Transmitter manufactured by Vaisala.
The RH_4m, RH_6m and RH_12M measurements are from the model HMP45AC
Temperature and Humidity Probe manufactured by Vaisala. The
RH_CS125, RH_WTX, and RH_4m measurements are obtained at a height of
4 meters above ground level (AGL), while the RH_6m is at 6 meters
AGL, and the RH_12m is at 12 meters AGL.